Terms & Conditions Professional Development
Course Fees
Course fees can be paid by credit card or debit card. Payment is required at least five (5) business days before the start of the course.
Approved applications will be confirmed once payment has been received.
Late Applications
If there are places available on a course we will accept bookings until the date that the course commences. However, placement is not guaranteed until full payment is received. For online courses that include an in-person exam, scheduled on a specified date, applications will be accepted within 10 business days of the exam.
Cancellations by Professional Development Courses
Advertising Council Australia (ACA) reserves the right to cancel/alter scheduled dates for any course where minimum class sizes are not reached, change course location, or to substitute course lecturers.
In the event of a course being cancelled, ACA will notify you in writing prior to the course commencement date to offer an alternative course or to refund the full course fee.
If your payment is received after maximum numbers are reached, ACA will contact you and a full refund will be made.
ACA is not liable for any other consequential loss.
Cancellations by Student
If you are unable to attend a course a substitute may be sent as a replacement (subject to approval).
If you wish to cancel more than seven (7) working days before the start of a course/workshop we will refund the cost of the course minus 50%. Cancellations do not apply to ACA online courses.
If you wish to cancel less than 5 working days before the start of a course/workshop, we will refund the cost of the course minus 75%. Cancellations do not apply to ACA online courses.
If you wish to cancel less than 5 working days before a Residential course, no refund will be issued.
If you wish to withdraw from a course after the course has started, no course costs will be refunded.
All cancellations or postponements must be notified in writing to the Advertising Council Australia Professional Development Coordinator in your state.
Course Transfer
Within the first two weeks of the course starting, Advertising Council Australia will consider a course transfer without penalty. Transfers into another course must be used within the calendar year.
Advertising Council Australia Professional Development Policies
Non-attendance of classes due to illness, or for personal or professional reasons does not provide the right to a refund, or transfer to another course. Students are required to attend a minimum of 6 out of 8 sessions. Assignments are to be handed in on the due date in class and students are to adhere to the time allocation for verbal presentations. Students must notify their lecturer of any absences and if their assignment is going to be late. Penalties for late assignments are at the discretion of the lecturer. Your lecturer will announce his or her penalty policy at the beginning of the course.
On completion of your course/workshop Advertising Council Australia will provide you with the appropriate certificates. The name given on the enrolment form will be the one that appears on the certificate. Certificates will be issued after completion of the course or workshop.
Respect confidentiality
Throughout the course, you will be privy to content and discussions which are ‘commercial in confidence’. This is a closed environment and every participant; and lecturer/s, guest speakers, should be sharing experiences without fear of breach of confidence.
IP regarding assessments
The participants will be required to complete assessments during the course. The IP of these assessments remains the participants at all times and cannot be used for commercial use.
International Applicants
Advertising Council Australia delivers industry professional development for people working in the advertising and marketing communications industries and is not an accredited academic institution. For the purposes of meeting the Department of Immigration’s requirements Advertising Council Australia cannot accept enrolments for experiential courses from international applicants on Student visas.
That said, Advertising Council Australia can accept applicants on either Work visas (Subclass 189, 190, 489 & 457) or Working Holiday visas (Subclass 417 & 462). International applicants will only be accepted once they have met the Australian Government visa requirements and had their visa issued. If you have any questions regarding your eligibility please contact Advertising Council Australia Professional Development Coordinator in your state.
Please Note
Advertising Council Australia courses are priced in Australian Dollars and include GST. Courses are available in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide. Online courses are available to all qualified students residing in Australia.
Advertising Council Australia Ltd – ABN: 84 140 893 152
Terms & Conditions of Ticket Purchase and Attendance at Advertising Council Australia Events
All Advertising Council Australia tickets are issued subject to these terms and conditions of sale and entry. By purchasing tickets and/or attending any Advertising Council event(s) the purchaser and any attendee agree to comply with these terms and conditions.
100% payment is required at the time of booking.
Payment must be made prior to the function/event to secure your registration.
All events are priced in Australian dollars and include GST.
Cancellations by Advertising Council Australia
Advertising Council Australia reserves the right to:
- Cancel/alter scheduled dates for any Advertising Council Australia events where minimum attendance numbers are not reached.
- Change the location of any Advertising Council Australia event
- Substitute speakers for any Advertising Council Australia event.
In the event of an event being cancelled, Advertising Council Australia will notify registered attendees via email, prior to the event date to offer an alternative event at an alternative date or to refund in full the event fee. If your payment is received after maximum numbers are reached, Advertising Council Australia will contact you and a full refund will be made.
Cancellations by Attendees
If you are unable to attend a booked event, a substitute attendee may be sent as a replacement (subject to approval).
If you wish to cancel more than 7 working days before the start of the event we will refund the cost of the ticket minus 50%.
If you wish to cancel less than 7 working days before the start of the event, no ticket costs will be refunded.
If you wish to cancel after the event has started, no ticket costs will be refunded.
All cancellations or postponements must be notified in writing to Advertising Council Australia Event Coordinator.
Once tickets are purchased and the attendance allocated to the event, in advance Purchaser requests for cancellations or refunds of Tickets prior to the event will only be allowed in Advertising Council sole discretion in circumstances of demonstrated hardship or events beyond your reasonable control.
Where an event requires a minimum attendance and the event has been scheduled on the basis of bookings, cancellations will not be allowed where the cancellation will result in attendees being less than the minimum attendance requirements. Tickets may be transferred to friends or family members but may not be re-sold for profit.
Non-attendance of any event due to illness, or for personal or professional reasons does not provide the right to refunds, or a transfer to another event.
Consumer Data Policy
Whenever we collect personal information from you we will do so in a lawful and fair way. We will also advise you how and where to contact us. This web site is committed to respect the privacy of its users and will disclose its information practices. Find out more on our privacy and collection of data policies.